

徐亞湘。〈從外江到國劇:論臺灣民間京劇傳統的形成與失落〉。《民俗曲藝》170 (2010.12): 143-76
Hsü Ya-hsiang. “From 'Waijiang' to “National Opera”: Study of Traditional Taiwanese Folk Style Peking Opera.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 170 (2010.12): 143-76.



Since Peking Opera was introduced into Taiwan, it has been over a hundred years. Since early Japanese Colonial years, the Shanghai School of Peking Opera had frequently toured Taiwan. Under its influence, local opera troupes and amateur Peking Opera clubs were widely established. Local troupe began to add Peking opera to their repertoire. Taiwanese geishas learned to sing the new tunes. Music albums of Peking Opera were released. All the above-mentioned phenomena indicate that the performance art then called “waijiang” had completed its localization process in Japanese colonized Taiwan and became a local operatic genre.
This commercially successful Taiwanese folk-style Peking Opera tradi­tion occupied a prestigious status. Its vitality still prevailed during the early post-WWII years. However, since the Nationalist Government’s flight to Taiwan, its policy towards traditional theater was to overlook Taiwanese folk opera and promoted solely the Peking Opera. The “Peking Opera” in this case refers to the Peking School, not the Shanghai School of Peking Opera nor the Taiwanese folk-style Peking Opera influenced by the latter. With multiple unfavorable factors such as changes in political power, commercial competition and environment, the popularity of folk-style Peking Opera in Taiwan gradually dissolved. This collective cultural memory of ordinary people was replaced by the highly propagandized party/nationalist notion of “national opera,” “waisheng,” and “military theatrical troupes.” The long-term stereotyping of the concept of Peking Opera and the general shift in the entertainment industry finally resulted in the dying out of Taiwanese folk-style Peking Opera.
In this study, I will start by investigating the change of local terminol­ogy for “Traditional Taiwanese Folk-style Peking Opera” from waijiang to “national opera.” I intend to deal with the following issues; the influence of the change over the development as well as ordinary people’s cognition of Taiwanese Peking Opera, how the Taiwanese populace received, preferred, and eventually acclimatized to the artistry of Peking Opera, the interaction between Taiwanese folk-style Peking Opera with social classes, ethnic groups, and nationalism. Finally, the status of Peking Opera in contemporary Taiwan will also be discussed.