

陳峙維。〈談《臺灣日日新報音樂資料彙編》對臺灣音樂史研究之價值:以明治時期資料為分析對象〉。《民俗曲藝》171 (2011.3): 181-209
Chen Szu-wei. “On the Research Value of “Music Resources in Taiwan Daily News”: An Analysis of Materials from the Meiji Era.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 171 (2011.3): 181-209.


報刊形式的資料有接連不斷、涵蓋時期廣的特性,除提供活動紀實之外,對於歷史發展、社會變遷的研究亦有重要價值。近年來有關日治時期臺灣音樂活動的研究日益增加,然目前除徐亞湘以日治時期漢文報刊為材料建置的《日治時期臺灣報刊戲曲資料彙編》之外,尚無其他與音樂活動有關之報刊資料庫。鑑於《臺灣日日新報》係日治時期發行量最大的報紙,發行期間與日本統治臺灣時間相當,有關日治時期臺灣音樂史的研究經常以該報為資料來源,為有效運用《臺灣日日新報》記載的珍貴史料,臺灣大學音樂學研究所於 2008年夏開始籌備建置《臺灣日日新報音樂資料彙編》,期完整收錄該報中有關音樂活動的文字與圖像資料。
本計畫已完成明治時期十四年份(1898 1911年)報紙之資料篩選與建檔工作,總計共收錄 26,370筆剪報資料。檢視此等明治時期剪報之種類、涵蓋範圍可發現,《臺灣日日新報》提供給研究者的資料,絕非侷限臺灣島內某一族群的音樂活動報導,而是包括多族群、多樂種,甚至東亞地區的音樂交流,以及西洋音樂在東亞地區展演、傳播的史料。該報所蘊藏的,不僅是音樂史料,更是以音樂為中心的各類表演藝術與社會文化,以及二十世紀上半葉新興媒體如唱片、電影的史料。建置中的資料庫將陸續加入大正、昭和時期剪報,集結成《臺灣日日新報音樂資料彙編》,提供音樂史與社會文化史研究所需的多元史料。

With continuous issuance that covers a wide time span, newspapers and periodicals are not only documents of historical events, but also valuable for the study of history and social change. Although there has recently been an increasing academic interest in musical events in Japa­nese colonial Taiwan, a newspaper database about music is still desirable. The only existing database of similar nature is Operatic Resources in Newspapers during the Japanese Colonial Period in Taiwan, compiled by Hsü Ya-hsiang from a variety of newspapers printed in the Chinese language. In order to compile all the texts and images about music in Taiwan Daily News, the longest running newspaper with the highest circulation published during almost the entire colonial period, in summer 2008 the Graduate Institute of Musicology at the National Taiwan University undertook to construct the database “Music Resources in Taiwan Daily News.”
This construction project has presently collected 26,370 clippings from Taiwan Daily News issued between 1898~1911 of the Meiji era. The news clippings indicate that Taiwan Daily News covers a wide range of musical activities of different ethnic groups in Taiwan, together with issues on musical exchanges within East Asia and on performance and dissemination of Western music in this region. In addition to musical materials, this newspaper encompasses those associated with a diversity of performing arts, social culture and new media such as gramophone records and cinema in the first half of the twentieth century. As more clippings from Taisho and Showa eras will be added to complete the “Music Resources in Taiwan Daily News” in due course, an abundance of multifaceted historical materials will be available for the study of music and socio-cultural history.