

謝世維。〈地方宗教中的道法關係:以臺南和意堂為核心的考察〉。《民俗曲藝》183 (2014.3): 139-89
Hsieh Shu-wei. “The Web of Local Religions as Seen in the Way (Dao) and the Technique (Fa): An Investigation of the Heyitang in Tainan.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 183 (2014.3): 139-89.



This study draws a distinction between the way (dao) and the technique (fa) to analyze the intersections between religion and culture. I begin by discussing the distinction between the way and the technique as seen in scriptures written during the Song and Yuan dynasties. By focusing on how writers used these two terms, we arrive at a new understanding of the religious function of the way and the technique. I also incorporate fieldwork conducted in the Tainan region, especially the Heyitang Altar.
Heyitang employs the black-head rituals belonging to Pu’an school. They are also affiliated with Lian Jicheng. Wang Yanshan established the Heyitang and there is now extensive cooperation between Wang Yanshan’s Heyitang and other temples in Tainan. Chen Rongsheng and Wu Xigeng established new ritual model of daotan (Daoist altar) and fatan (technique altar) in order to foster deeper cooperation. In this process, the way and the technique are again fused together. The same practice has been carried out by Wang’s successor, Wang Zhengyu. In this paper, I investigate the model of Way/Technique and how it has been put into practice.