

劉一蓉。〈跨越社會界限的女性宗教儀式專家〉。《民俗曲藝》168 (2010.6): 53-78
Liu Yi-jung. “The Experience of Crossing Social Boundaries for Female Religious Specialists in Mei County, Guangdong.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 168 (2010.6): 53-78.



This essay, based on field research, explores a special religious group of vegetarian women in Hakka area in Mei County, North-Eastern Guangdong. The key issues discussed in this essay, include: (1) how social and gender hierarchies construct women's religious experience; (2) how religious identity offers them a chance to transcend their social limitation; (3) how religious practices these women conduct help local communities transcend their life experience and destiny, while making a change in women's traditional gender role and status.