
Cultural Policy and Traditional Performing Arts in Asia

No. 141, September 2003 
Special Issue on "Cultural Policy and Traditional Performing Arts in Asia" (亞洲各國之文化政策與傳統表演藝術)  

Wang Ying-fen. “Introduction” (前言). Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 141 (2003.9): 1-11.

Terauchi Naoko. “Western Impact on Traditional Music: 'Reform' and 'Universalization' in the Modern Period of Japan” (傳統音樂所受的西方衝擊:近代日本的「改革」和「普遍化」). Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 141 (2003.9): 13-53.

Yang Mu. “Government Policy and Traditional Performing Arts in the People's Republic of China” (中華人民共和國國家政策與傳統表演藝術). Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 141 (2003.9): 55-94.

Wang Ying-fen. “Amateur Music Clubs and State Intervention: The Case of Nanguan Music in Postwar Taiwan” (業餘音樂社團與政府介入:以戰後臺灣南管樂界為例). Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 141 (2003.9): 95-167.

Phong T. Nguyen. “Vietnamese Music after the Revolution: Reevaluation and Modernization” (革命之後的越南音樂:重新評估與現代化). Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 141 (2003.9): 169-85.

Christi-Anne Castro. “Strains of a Nation: Music, Politics, and the Elite of the Philippines” (國家之聲:菲律賓的音樂、政治與社會精英). Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 141 (2003.9): 187-212.

Sam-Ang Sam. “Cultural Policies of Cambodia” (柬埔寨的文化政策). Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 141 (2003.9): 213-35.

Tan Sooi Beng. “Multi-Culturalism or One National Culture: Cultural Centralization and the Recreation of the Traditional Performing Arts in Malaysia” (「多元文化主義」或「單一國家文化」:馬來西亞的文化集權政策與傳統表演藝術的再創造). Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 141 (2003.9): 237-59.

Gavin Douglas. “The Myanmar University of Culture: For Patriotism and National Unity” (緬甸文化大學:為愛國主義和國家統一而生). Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 141 (2003.9): 261-82.